(Scroll down for the video if you don't want to bother with me rambling on. LOL)

Yet events rolled on and #OWS! was cleared--as were most of the encampments that rose up last fall. As many of us know, though, the Movement hasn't died. It's alive and well. It's just taken on different forms.
Like the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-War Movements of our youth, #Occupy Wall Street! emerged from the ancient and indomitable human quest for a truly democratic approach to our collective life on this planet. That quest is Spiritual; the values of peace, equality, fairness and compassion flow from the recognition that we are all in this together. In fact, we are ALL THIS, Together! As modern quantum physics indicates, we are actually inseperably interconnected. Loving your neighbor AS yourself then becomes the bottom line of politics. I felt that Spirit in the civil rights movement, in the segment of the anti-war movement I participated in. I felt that back in October of 2011 in Zuccotti Park.
Even though our political process has been corrupted by the greed of a wealthy elite in this country, the brave souls of #Occupy Wall Street served notice last fall. We the People will form a more perfect Union, one based on sharing and caring, not on unbridled greed, unending warfare, environmental degradation and unsustainable consumerism. It's our democratic birthright.
It's SO not over. It's only a matter of time.
Happy Birthday #Occupy Wall Street!