Back home in Western Massachusetts, I stayed up all night, riveted to the Livestream. "By dawn's early light", a roar surged through the crowd as the announcement was made that Bloomberg had caved. The song wrote itself.
Of course, I had to rewrite it after the Mayor's Militarized Minions swept the park in November. Yet, it's still a Song of Triumph. As the song now sez, "you can trash a camp, but you can't sweep away the Spirit!
It's SO not over!
#Occupy Five Years Down the Road
Although the mainstream media has often tried to discount the impact of the two month encampment, there can be no doubt that beyond the amazing spread of the #Occupy movement across the United States that fall, the Spirit continued to move across the land in a myriad of local, regional and national efforts to create a more equitable and democratic society. (Read Michael Levitin's article in The Atlantic, "The Triumph of Occupy Wall Street.")
On the national level, it seems to me that the emergence of Bernie Sanders, an avowed Democratic Socialist, as a credible candidate for the Democratic nomination for President this year was a direct result of #OWS! bringing into focus the alarming, and growing, income inequality existing in the US.
Although he didn't secure the nomination from the embedded Democratic Party establishment, the campaign he calls "a Political Revolution" continues on to confront the utter domination and distortion of our democratic process by a wealthy corporate elite. Unfortunately, the widespread frustration with the continuing looting of the economic resources of this nation -- and the world -- by the banksters and tycoons, and the culture of fear and divisiveness that has been fomented by the Republican Party for decades has also fueled the campaign of one of the worst of the ruling elite, Donald Trump.
Yet, at this stage of the journey, on the eve the Fifth Anniversary of that magic September day that sparked an autumn blaze of urban encampments throughout the United States, I think its time to celebrate, to reflect, and to re-commit to the on-going efforts to work for a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Over the course of it's two month occupation, #OWS! made the case. Now it's up to each of us to stay on the case.