❤️ The Rants, Raves, Rambles, and Revelations of an Unrepentant Peacenik, Rabblerouser, and Itinerate Interfaith Minstrel. ❤️ 🎶------------------- *Founding S.O.B. of the Sacred Order of Bodhisattvas, Buddhys, Beatniks, Bards and Bozos ----------------- 🎶
17th marked the 7th anniversary of the day that protesters descended
on Zuccotti Park in New York City, re-naming it Liberty
Park and launching #Occupy Wall Street! On November 6th, 2018 we will see whether the Spirit that inspired the nationwide uprising seven years ago will prevail in the midterm elections. We the People, those of us who believe that we are truly created equal with an unalienable right to freely pursue our happiness, must wrest back at least a semblance of political power on November 6th. I'm hoping that 7 is our lucky number on the 6th!
As I sit here today with only 49 days until the midterm elections, I'm admittedly a bit scared at times.
Yet, I remain hopeful.
At old coot now, at age 72, I still believe that there is an essential Goodness and Decency that resides in the heart of We the People. I'm praying that our collective aspiration to create a land where all human beings are deemed of equal worth will propel us to wrest back at least a modicum of governmental power from the current Retrograd Republicans.
It's crucial that we do so.
Without a victory that returns the House and/or the Senate to the Democrats, Trumposaurus Rex and his Wrecking Crew will continue their unfettered campaign to destroy enlightened public policy. Without a victory, The New Deal and Social Security, the Great Society, the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, and the Affordable Care Act, and the regulations that put them into action, will continue to be in the crosshairs of these Kleptocrats, Privateers, Banksters and Gangsters.
Although I've got a bone to pick with the Democratic Party, and will continue to rant and rave about the Corporate takeover during the Clinton era, this is a no-brainer. The reality isn't a choice between two evils. It's the choice about whether we put the brakes on, or race off the cliff full speed ahead.
Each of us must roll up our sleeves and do everything we can in the next few weeks.
It's SO not over!
(READ MORE on the background of the song, first written in the wee hours of the morning that Mayor Bloomberg backed off on his first plan to clear the park "for maintenance." I was glued to a LiveStream as the victory was announced. A roar surged through the crowd. I broke into tears. The song wrote itself.)
I believe that the movement for peace, economic democracy and social justice is a Spiritual Quest. No mean feat, what is called for is a True Revolution of the Heart and Mind--and it starts with each of us.
This revolution has to be Peaceful. The Hippies (and Jesus and Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. King, et al) had it right. It really is all about Peace and Love. Besides being a total drag, violence just doesn't work. It keeps our wheels spinning in fear, anger and pain. Who needs that?
Besides some hard work, I think the Revolution also calls for dancing, plenty of laughter, and some sitting around just doing nothing. (Some folks call it meditation.)
As Stephen Gaskin, proclaimed years ago:
"We're out to raise Hell--in the Bodhisattvic* sense."
Doesn't that sound like some serious fun?
(*The Bodhisattva Vow is a set of commitments made in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. It basically says I vow to get my act together and figure it out well enough to really help out--and I ain't gonna stop until everybody is covered.
I've found that doesn't necessarily have to happen in that order. It's best to try to help out even before you have it all together! Like right now.)