So, amidst the splendor of the season, take a few moments of silence to thank those noble women, men, and children--who were just like you and I--and, perhaps, contemplate how you and I can be more like them at this point in history.
Then, after those moments of silent contemplation, find your voice--and speak out! Find others who you can work with and take action--however, wherever and whenever you can. Follow the example of Martin Luther King, Jr.: stand, march, sit down with courage and commitment--in peace and good will. At a time when capitalism preaches "me first", folks willing to roll up their sleeves for the common good are sorely needed. Our voices, again must be heard.
WORKERS OF THE WORLD (and that includes all of those who sit at desks, work the fast food counters, and run our own small businesses, etc.) --UNITE!!!
The only thing we have to lose is the Kleptocracy created by the 1% !!!
Thank you Brother Lefty for this post.....lest any of us forget.
Your welcome! Take the time to remind others, too!
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